Cayupi (common “Mapuche” last name, from Chilean native indigenous) is a game I created back in 2007 for my graphic design final degree project at Universidad Diego Portales. I created the game from scratch; graphics, basic programming, character design, sound composition and customised pixel-based font design.

A classic platform game based on the ones I played as a kid, a simple story styled as an 80’s video game in which the Chupacabras (A typical mythological South American monster) unexpectedly take control of Chile with the aid of mutated animals from the national fauna, taking Millaray, our hero Cayupi’s girlfriend as a hostage. With the help of all the other indigenous tribes from Chile, Cayupi decides to fight the Chupacabras and his mutated army to save Chile, its people and fauna and rescue his girlfriend.

The whole artwork behind the game originally came from a study that compared and analysed the similarities between the 80’s video games’ pixel art with Chilean indigenous embroilment.

To my surprise, the project got some considerable attention outside the University, I was interviewed for a couple of TV programs, got an article in a popular Chilean newspaper, plus I was lucky enough to be invited to design exhibitions in Chile and Argentina as well as some universities to talk to students about the whole design process. This was my first serious project as I was finishing Uni, and it really helped define my professional interests as a graphic designer paving the way to working on animation design. 2007

Picture 14.png
Picture 11.png
Picture 12.png

Direction, Design and Game Programming: David Zamorano
Tutor: Sebastián Skoknic
Music: Bryan Phillips
Universidad Diego Portales 2017