
A three-part animated visual trip exploring “The Infrathin” moments on some everyday moods.

A short film collaboration with pals Smog plus Sound Design by Rocket Audio.

We wanted to visually explore and capture those slight millisecond bridges taking us from one state to another. Once coined by Marcel Duchamp as ‘The Infrathin’: those subtle, almost imperceptible nuances or distinctions that exist in the realm of experience, often lying beyond the boundaries of traditional definitions and easily missed.

Also featured in Motionographer.

Part 1: Enlightenment.

Finding the answer to something important around a total mess. It might be a moment of realisation, when suddenly everything is understood, it feels right, and perfectly connects. Not for too long though, as perhaps unavoidably, you will find yourself in a new mess, searching for a new answer, a path, meaning.

Part 2: Relax.

Perhaps more rare and involuntary than what we might think of it. The exquisite moment when you experience that real relaxation. Sensing a pause. That first moment you sit down and exhale after an endless walk, or those first milliseconds of refreshing yourself after being thirsty. A moment of contemplation, pleasantly feeling the connection with new brain wires, sensing that new satisfaction until it becomes normal again.

Part 3: Off.

That state of disconnection from reality, often tired, sleepy or not 100% conscious. You might hear strange or new sounds. Maybe from your body, maybe from your mind? You space out, enter another state without knowing, fall asleep but dream you are still awake. Sounds get distorted, voices sounding far and intelligible... Then you get slightly back to your senses, but if you are still tired or confused, you might fall back into this state again.

Early Designs & Storyboards

Initial designs and storyline created for "Enlightenment," the first animation in "The Infrathin" series.

These ideas were originally in different sketchbooks and projects, but right after talks about working on a collaboration with the people from Smog, they immediately felt like part of one story.

Direction: Smog & David Zamorano
Creative Direction: Moises Arancibia & David Zamorano
Design: Sebastian Cifuentes, Abigail Maldonado , Sebastian Pinto
Animation: Alexis Lagos, Ignacio Meneses, Sebastian Platz, Catalina Borquez, Eduardo Garcia, Xavier Arancibia
Compositing: Moises Arancibia, Sebastian Platz, Alexis Lagos
Storyboards: David Zamorano
Sound Design: Rocket Audio Studio