Animation and illustration for Silkroad, a documentary film made by RAW for A&E Channel and showcased on BBC4 Storyville.
Centred on Ross Ulbricht's (aka 'Dread Pirate Roberts' on the web) story, and how he was chased by the FBI and the Secret Service in 2011. An incredible online hunt for him and his Silk Road enterprise and worldwide drug-selling open online platform within the Deep Web.
A selection of animations and style-frames I illustrated to explain how the Deep Web, Bitcoin exchange and drug transactions worked. All on a Saul Bass-like visual styling. I was also in charge of the final animation composition for the film. 2017.
Client: A&E Channel & BBC Agency:Raw TV Direction: Mark Lewis and Emily James Executive Producer: Mark Lewis Animation: Rodrigo Rodriguez, David Zamorano Styleframes: David Zamorano